PNRT Token

PNRT token liquidity pool lock

Temporarily locking the PNRT token liquidity pool until community members are elected

Understanding why the liquidity pools for PNRT tokens have not been locked yet requires a deeper comprehension of our values and commitment to our fan community. From the beginning, we aimed to create a platform where every member has a voice and the opportunity to play a crucial role in shaping the future of the PNRT token. This required us to provide an equal opportunity for everyone to participate in key decision-making processes. However, to ensure that every decision reflects the desires and needs of the entire community, we needed time to properly identify the community members.

Until the first round of unlocking and selecting community members، where the top ten addresses will be chosen by 2024/12/4 ،the liquidity pools will remain locked. These members, selected from among the most active fans and users, are not only representatives of the community but also play a vital role in determining the token’s future direction. This action is a sign of respect for the trust you have placed in us and our commitment to transparency and security.

This additional time allows us to ensure that every decision regarding the liquidity pools is made with careful consideration and full community involvement, preventing power from being concentrated in the hands of a single person or group who initially bought more tokens. This way, conditions will be equally distributed among all users and fans until the first round of community member selection. We assure you that this decision is a significant step towards ensuring a sustainable and successful future for the PNRT token, and we are grateful for your patience and support throughout this journey. Now, with greater commitment and trust, we move forward towards a brighter future for the token and community support.

PNRT Token Website

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