PNRT Token

How to sell token on Metamask

Let's sell PNRT token using Metamask

To sell the PNRT fan token on Metamask, you just need to have some BNB to pay the network fee. Now you can sell or exchange the fan token with USDT or BNB.

Enter the Metamask wallet, click on the PNRT token, you will enter a new page, scroll down a little, it says Swap, click on it, you will enter a new page, where the PNRT token is located at the top, a little lower, you must enter the currency you want to sell the token with, or Search for exchange from the box below and then specify the amount you want to sell or exchange PNRT token. Click on Swap. Wait a little until you can pay the network fee. View the swap specifications. If it is correct, confirm it and you will be redirected to the fee payment section. If the network fee shown at the bottom of the page is high, stay on the same page until the fee is paid. to changeAfter the desired amount, confirm the transaction and drag it to the right or click on it and wait for the transaction to be completed.

Congratulations, you were able to sell or exchange PNRT fan token using BNB or USDT, now go back to the main page of the wallet and the number of fan tokens you sold or exchanged will be deducted from your account and BNB or USDT will be added to your account instead. has been

PNRT Token Website

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